
作者:2023/11/05 07:59浏览次数:10

徐国盛,中国科学院等离子体物理研究所研究员、博导、等离子体物理研究所副所长、图书馆VIP双聘教授、中科院特聘骨干人才;国家自然科学基金“优秀青年科学基金”获得者,中科院杰出科技成就奖、安徽省自然科学一等奖获得者;荣获"亚太等离子体物理杰出青年科学家奖"、蔡诗东等离子体物理杰出贡献奖;科技部国际热核聚变实验堆计划专项负责人,国际组织ITPA(国际托卡马克物理活动)边界台基专题组中国联络人;Nuclear Fusion》期刊编委会成员,《Nuclear Fusion》和《Physics of Plasmas》等国际期刊特邀审稿人,被评为2013年《Nuclear Fusion》期刊最活跃的审稿人之一;中国青年科技工作者协会理事,省直青联副主席,安徽省物理学会成员。先后主持过12个基金项目,包括两个科技部专项、四个国家自然科学基金项目和一个中科院基础局项目。以第一或通讯作者在Phys. Rev. Lett.(PRL)上发表论文5篇,Cell 子刊1篇,磁约束聚变领域权威期刊Nucl. Fusion 26篇。连续6年(2011-2016)发表Nucl. Fusion期刊年度亮点文章,1篇论文被美国能源部评为年度科技亮点。获IAEA国际聚变能大会、欧洲物理年会、美国物理年会、等离子体与壁相互作用大会等重要国际学术会议邀请报告19次,口头报告17次。近年来,带领科研团队深入开展长脉冲高性能边界等离子体物理及实验研究以及先进仿星器优化设计研究,研究工作受到了国际聚变界的高度关注。课题组毕业生曾获蔡诗东等离子体物理奖、国家奖学金、中科院院长奖学金等多项荣誉。


  1. Z. Y. Lu, G. S. Xu*, D. H. Chen, et al. Development of advanced stellarator with identical permanent magnet blocks[J]. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3(1).

  2. G. S. Xu, Q. Q. Yang, N. Yan, et al. Promising high-confinement regime for steady-state fusion[J]. Physical review letters, 2019, 122(25): 255001.

  3. G. S. Xu, B. N. Wan, H. Q. Wang, et al. Low-to-high confinement transition mediated by turbulence radial wave number spectral shift in a fusion plasma[J]. Physical Review Letters, 2016, 116(9): 095002.

  4. H. Q. Wang, G. S. Xu*, B. N. Wan, et al. New edge coherent mode providing continuous transport in long-pulse h-mode plasmas[J]. Physical review letters, 2014, 112(18): 185004.

  5. G. S. Xu, B. N. Wan, H. Q. Wang, et al. First evidence of the role of zonal flows for the l− h transition at marginal input power in the east tokamak[J]. Physical review letters, 2011, 107(12): 125001.

  6. G. S. Xu, B. N. Wan, M. Song, et al. Direct measurement of poloidal long-wavelength E× B flows in the HT-7 tokamak[J]. Physical review letters, 2003, 91(12): 125001.

  7. J. Li, H. Y. Guo*, B. N. Wan, X. Z. Gong, Y. F. Liang, G. S. Xu, et al., A long-pulse high-confinement plasma regime in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak[J]. Nature physics, 2013, 9(12): 817-821. (All authors contributed to all aspects of this work)

  8. L. Chen, G. S. Xu*, A. H. Nielsen, et al. Study on the L–H transition power threshold with RF heating and lithium-wall coating on EAST[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2016, 56(5): 056013. http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/Highlights-of-2016

  9. X. Q. Wu, G. S. Xu*, B. N. Wan, et al. One-dimensional modelling of limit-cycle oscillation and H-mode power scaling[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2015, 55(5): 053029.http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/Highlights-of-2015

  10. G. S. Xu*, H. Q. Wang, M. Xu, et al. Dynamics of L–H transition and I-phase in EAST[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2014, 54(10): 103002. http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/Highlights-of-2014

  11. B. N. Wan*, J. Li, H. Y. Guo, Y. F. Liang, G. S. Xu et al. Progress of long pulse and H-mode experiments in EAST[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2013, 53(10): 104006.http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/Highlights-of-2013

  12. H. Q. Wang, G. S. Xu, H. Y. Guo, et al. Observation of a new turbulence-driven limit-cycle state in H-modes with lower hybrid current drive and lithium-wall conditioning in the EAST superconducting tokamak[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2012, 52(12): 123011.http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/highlights-2012

  13. G. S. Xu, B. N. Wan*, J. Li, et al. Study on H-mode access at low density with lower hybrid current drive and lithium-wall coatings on the EAST superconducting tokamak[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2011, 51(7): 072001.http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/Highlights%20of%202011

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